
As everyone knows, the Internet is a pretty fast-moving place. A lot of things happen online all the time. Information is shared, songs are listened to, e-shops are making sales 24/7. But what are the numbers really like? How many things actually happen online in a day… or even in just a single minute?

The numbers

  • 14 news songs added on Spotify
  • 70 new website domains registered
  • 15,000 tracks downloaded from iTunes
  • 347 new blog posts on Wordpress sites
  • 571 websites created
  • 20,000 new Tumblr photos added
  • 204,000,000 emails are sent
  • 216,000 photos shared on Instagram
  • 11,000 active users on Pinterest
  • 11,000 searches on LinkedIn
  • $83,000 of sales on Amazon
  • 104,000 photos shared on Snapchat
  • 278,000 tweets on Twitter
  • 20,000,000 photo views on Flickr
  • 1,400,000 million minutes connecting with each other on Skype
  • 1,800,000 million Likes on Facebook
  • 72 hours of video uploaded on YouTube
  • 2,000,000 searches on Google

These numbers are constantly growing. The demands put on this online world are ever greater. As of June 2017, 51% of the world's population is on the Internet.

The slowdowns

With all these pressures put on the Internet and with the average size of a webpage getting bigger and bigger year on year - heavy imagery, videos, unnecessary HTML coding, it’s hardly surprising that there is often a slowdown of our online experience.

The remedy

In order to be able to deliver an enjoyable experience to the visitors of your website, there are ways to make it faster and also to find errors so that they can be removed. Imagine if a shopping website’s shopping cart doesn’t work properly. Not good. WebyMon can help. Sign up for your free account today. WebyMon can constantly monitor your site’s speed, uptime and give you alerts of critical errors. You can also watch how your competitors’ sites are doing.